The Sanctuaire Notre Dame de la Salette, hereinafter referred to as “the Site”, attaches great importance to the rights and freedoms of individuals. Aware of the value of your data, whether some of it reveals your convictions, sometimes relates to your health, concerns your children or the elderly, the Site has undertaken a process to bring all its processing into compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) and the Data Protection Act.
For all data collected and processed, the Site undertakes to:
- process your data lawfully, fairly and transparently;
- limit the data collected to what is strictly necessary;
- collect data for explicit and lawful purposes that have been determined in advance, and not to be processed further in a way that is incompatible with these purposes. In the event of new incompatible purpose(s), the Site undertakes to obtain your consent;
- maintain, to the extent reasonably possible, the accuracy of your data;
- keep your data for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it is to be processed (except where required by law);
- ensure the security of the data you have entrusted to us;
- inform you of what the Site does with your data;
- do everything in its power to enable you to exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation (temporary suspension of processing), portability and opposition;
The Site prohibits any transmission of your data to a third party.
To support this approach, the Site has appointed a data protection officer (dpo), who can be contacted at the following address:
Exercising rights
How to exercise your rights
For any information or to exercise your rights concerning the processing of personal data managed by the Site, please contact us at :
- directly by e-mail to
- by post to the following address: 11459 route du Sanctuaire – 38970 La Salette – France
Pursuant to art. 77 of decree no. 2019-536 of May 29, 2019 taken for the application of the Data Protection Act, any person exercising their rights, including by electronic means, must provide proof of their identity.
About cookies
When surfing websites, Internet users are tracked by various players (website publishers, advertising agencies, social networks) who analyze their browsing, movements and consultation or consumption habits, in order to improve their browsing experience and offer them personalized services or targeted advertising. This tracking is carried out using a variety of technologies, the most widespread of which are cookies.
A cookie is a very small file placed on the user’s computer by the website server. It can be used to recognize the surfer, to propose a session identifier or to store specific information about the user, such as the browser used, the type of terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone), site preferences, the contents of an electronic shopping cart, web pages consulted, searches, etc.
The Site uses technical cookies necessary for its proper operation. These cookies do not collect your personal data. To analyze how visitors navigate our site, and always with a view to improving our service, we use “audience measurement” cookies, which require your authorization.
Some functions on this site rely on services provided by third parties (video playback, social network sharing). These third parties place cookies and collect and use your personal data for their own purposes.
Legal information
All processing of your data is carried out under the responsibility of the Site’s data protection delegate. Pursuant to Article 9.2.d of the RGPD, the Site is authorized to process data that reveals religious beliefs.
For each of the processing operations below, you have the right to access, rectify and delete your data. You may also request the restriction of processing, object to processing and obtain the portability of your data. To exercise these rights, please contact the Site using the contact details above.
Finally, you can lodge a complaint with CNIL.